But you do feel sorry for the r&f who gave their time, energy, and finances to build the halls. They were always told that the KHs were part of the goods held in the hands of Jesus (aka the Gov. Body on earth).
There were real efforts to build KHs in each town - only for them to disappear as congregations were merged. People asked us in the ministry "If you are the one true church why aren't you in every town like the other churches?"
Soon people will be asking who JWs actually are because no one will see their presence in the community at all!
As far as letter writing goes what do most people do when unsolicited junk mail is put in the letter box, they toss it out with the rubbish. The only reason for letter writing and cold calling by telephone is so the r&f can report Service Time to the organisation.
It serves no practical purpose outside of that reason.